Saturday, December 31, 2022

This moment, now

It’s the last day of the year, 
And I find myself wondering, 
“What should I be focusing on?” 
Torn between looking back and looking ahead, 
There’s so much I could say about 
How good or bad it was, or it could be — 
Or I could focus on accomplishment: 
My best or proudest moment,
 Or what I hope to do in the coming year. 
But as I ponder what priceless wisdom to share 
The cat jumps on my lap and settles in, 
Purring as his paws gently knead my chest, 
And as I sit, stroking him, 
And watching the world outside my window 
 Slowly reveal itself in the morning light,
I realize that this, this moment, now, 
The trusting, and the ordinary, 
Is enough; is really all there is.

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