Monday, January 20, 2025

Cold, cold, cold

After a relatively warm winter, 
We had our first frost this morning: 
the tip of my garden Buddha’s head 
is covered with ice. 
It seems somehow appropriate;
 so many hearts left out in the cold today…

Sunday, January 19, 2025

Into the echo chamber

Yesterday, disheartened 
by the recent changes in policy on FaceBook,
 I made the tough decision 
to stop posting these pieces there. 
I will miss that community 
of friends old and new from lives past and present, 
but I'm tired of being bombarded 
by ads i don't want for things I don't need, 
and I'm sad the restrictions 
 on lies and hate language have been taken away. 
I've been accused of moving to an echo chamber, 
but the only echoes I hope to hear 
are of kindness and compassion: 
may they continue to resonate throughout the earth.

Saturday, January 18, 2025

I was so disheartened 
By the recent changes in Facebook policy 
that I decided to take flight. 
I will no longer be posting there, 
but you’ll still be able to find me here, 
and I’ve also begun posting on BlueSky 
as dwalkerarts; Hope we can stay connected!

Friday, January 17, 2025

Flame-red reminder

As the characteristic reds and greens 
Of Christmas slowly fade, 
We’re left to face again 
The subtle grays of winter: 
Of clouds and leafless trees, 
 Of icy streets and melting snow, 
The wisps of fog above the lakes, 
The smoke from stoves and fires 
And the ash they leave behind — 
And there it is again, flame-red reminder 
Of the monumental losses 
Being faced in California; 
The unfathomable magnitude of destruction.

Thursday, January 16, 2025


How is it that some ideas 
Get so embedded that we can’t let go, 
But seem to grow around them; 
Hold them closer to our hearts 
Until we confuse them with our souls? 
Even when they’re foreign to our nature, 
We hang on, clutching them like stones, 
Ready to hurl at the next unbeliever, 
In spite of everything that tells us 
There’s a chance we might possibly be wrong…

Wednesday, January 15, 2025


I remember, as a child, 
Arranging candles on the mantelpiece, 
And my artist mom coming to correct me,
 Moving two to one side and one to the other, 
Explaining that asymmetry is preferable 
To symmetry — an early version, I suspect,
 Of the rule of thirds I later learned — 
And yet, like many humans,
 I still am drawn to symmetry,
 In landscapes and in faces, 
And wonder if that rule exists 
To ensure that it sets art apart 
As different; a new way of seeing. 
So, though I understand the rule 
And use it to advantage, 
I still find scenes like this quite appealing😉

Tuesday, January 14, 2025

Losses too huge to process

With time we learn from the sun and moon 
That trouble, pain, and change are like the clouds: 
They may slide in and out again,
 Or they might stay for days, 
But for the most part they will pass 
And the good times come again. 
But how can we begin to process 
Losses of this magnitude, 
When so much has been taken, 
And so little left behind?