Wednesday, February 5, 2025

Breathe, and breathe again

Resting my heart In the evening’s alpenglow 
Dusting Mount Baker with its rosy blush, 
I take a deep breath and breathe again 
 Releasing the worries of the day, 
Hoping sleep will give us strength 
 And courage for the battles that lie ahead.

Tuesday, February 4, 2025

Seeking restoration

While we were busy arguing, 
Someone else was quietly 
Removing food from the table. 
What will it take to return our rights, 
Or are they gone forever?

Monday, February 3, 2025

Where’s the eagle eye?

Where’s the eagle eye 
That should be watching over us, 
Preventing the wholesale takeover 
Of all the systems put in place 
To protect and defend us? 
And how can we best respond?

Sunday, February 2, 2025

Trust and continue

I take heart from my fig tree, 
Which already boldly bears 
Next summer’s fruits; 
Whose imperfect branches have already begun 
To sprout next year’s extensions. 
We, too, must trust and continue 
To birth into the future 
What is crying to be born in us: 
Compassion, hope, and mercy for all.

Saturday, February 1, 2025

Not all downhill

It’s hard not to think 
Things are all downhill from here 
But we have to trust that at some point 
In the hopefully not-too-distant future 
The road will rise up to greet us. 
The question now is what steps can we take 
To help make that happen?

Friday, January 31, 2025

Another arrow to the heart

That’s how it feels. 
 Why does my heart ache 
When I look at this picture? 
Somehow the truck becomes 
Of all the souls abandoned, 
Left behind and lost 
By those who had the wherewithal to save them. 
And now, each day, 
Another arrow to the heart…

Thursday, January 30, 2025

As if…

Crossing the bridge at sunset, 
Something inside me thrills to see 
Sun streaming across the water, 
As if nothing’s changed; 
As if the world’s still beautiful, 
Brutality, prejudice and greed — 
Just things of the past, 
Fading before waves 
Of compassion and justice…