Friday, July 26, 2024

Making allowances

On a foggy morning,
 Cars gather at the ferry landing, 
Hoping that the boat 
 Will eventually be permitted to depart. 
We’ve learned, in all our island years, 
Not to depend on schedules: 
 Though it’s important to arrive on time, 
There are no guarantees 
That we’ll get where we’re going 
When we hope to, 
 So we always add extra time 
To allow for the exigencies of nature — 
Now, if only we’d make similar allowances 
 For the exigencies of human nature, 
This might be a kinder world…

Thursday, July 25, 2024

God’s place

When our daughters were very young, 
Our Church met in a school, 
But had purchased some land not far away, 
On which they hoped someday to build. 
Occasionally the parishioners 
 Would head out to that wooded lot to worship, 
And for years afterwards, 
Whenever our oldest would come 
 To a clearing in the woods — anywhere — 
She would say, “This is God’s place, Mommy,” 
And even now, I hear the echo of her voice 
 When I walk into a clearing, 
 And I breathe a little deeper: 
This, too, is God’s place…

Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Waves of change

There you are, steaming along, 
Making great progress, 
Enjoying the world as you pass on by, 
And then something happens, 
Or Life happens, 
And suddenly the journey’s not so smooth. 
How will you react? Resist? Or go with the flow? 
How can we stay centered, 
So we can withstand 
 The inevitable waves of change?

Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Striations in the sky

Like feathers on a wing, 
The clouds, uplifting, streak across the sky 
In colorful array, leaving me wondering 
 What weather pattern’s this?
 A high? A low? Incoming storms? 
What fluctuations — heat to cold, wet to dry — 
Result in such enjoyable striations in the sky?

Monday, July 22, 2024

Humbled in the face of beauty

What words could possibly add to, or convey 
 The drama of so magnificent a scene? 
How could we not be humbled 
By the beauty of this world?

Sunday, July 21, 2024

Subtle nuances of beauty

When and why did we stop 
Adding these charming decorative touches 
To the buildings we created? 
Could it be laziness, or expediency? 
Or simply that our cities grew so big 
That it became more important 
To be bold and striking from afar 
Than to be delicately pleasing from the street? 
And we — what subtle nuances 
 Have we sacrificed in order to be seen 
By broader audiences? 
When did loud and bold 
 Become more popular than gentle, and kind?

Saturday, July 20, 2024

Confronting the stranger

When confronted with a being 
Whose perspective and appearance 
Is completely different from your own, 
How do you respond? 
Are you curious? Are you shy? 
Do you hide behind the things that keep you safe,
 Or do you scamper away in fear? 
However you respond, it’s always a good idea 
To keep the things you have in common 
Clearly visible between you…