Friday, December 30, 2022

A question of boundaries

Our state highways have these ridges 
Down the center of the roads, 
And sometimes on the edges, as well. 
They’re put there, I assume, 
To warn distracted or sleepy drivers 
When they start to stray 
From their appointed lanes, 
And it’s helpful: the noisy bumping that you feel 
When accidentally crossing that yellow line 
Is a powerful wake-up call, 
 Easily interpreted, and easy to respond to. 
 But there are other wake-up calls 
(And for the anxious, they’re everywhere) 
Less easy to interpret, to agree upon response, 
Or act upon, if even you agree: 
So some of us travel through Life on high alert, 
Confined to ever-narrowing lanes 
While others seem to drift unseeing 
Across boundaries which some would deem 
Quite clear. 
It’s a mystery, and a source of much 
Disagreement and confusion…

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