Thursday, October 21, 2010

A gift from saying yes

Part of my homework for school (and there's a lot; I've been feeling a bit overwhelmed this week) is to come up with a personal practice for the duration of this term. 

Since I already read and walk and meditate and blog daily, I wasn't quite certain what additional practice I could or should take on.  But I've decided -- inspired partly by Patricia Madson's delightful little book on  Improv Wisdom, and partly because of a poem read to me earlier this week, about "living at the intersection of Now and Yes" -- that my practice will be to say "Yes" at least once a day despite an immediate inclination to say no.

My first yes got my husband on TV (!), the second yes just gave the dog a little more leeway than he usually gets on his walk, and today's yes had me walking on the ferry and meeting a friend for lunch in downtown Seattle -- something I've never done before! (and will do again tomorrow with my daughter).

I've found a gift in each releasing; this was one of the gifts from today's adventure. (There were many, actually but I especially liked this one.)  I can't wait to see what tomorrow brings (though it's supposed to rain cats and dogs, so who knows).  And thank you, Patricia, for continuing to inspire me! 


Kimberly Mason said...

My favorite practice has been the "say yes!" practice. I'm amazed at how much fun stuff I used to miss out on because I said NO! so easily.

Joyce Wycoff said...

Keep us posted on your "yes" journey ... and more details about your husband on TV please.

Maureen said...

What you've decided to do is wonderful.

I love today's image!

Louise Gallagher said...

Say yes!

Love it.

and yes... how did Yes put your husband on TV?

Diane Walker said...

Short answer: my husband's had a fever for several days, and wanted to attend a protest in Tacoma. Instead of tying him to the bed I gave him a couple of cold pills and sent him on his way...