Sunday, January 19, 2025

Into the echo chamber

Yesterday, disheartened 
by the recent changes in policy on FaceBook,
 I made the tough decision 
to stop posting these pieces there. 
I will miss that community 
of friends old and new from lives past and present, 
but I'm tired of being bombarded 
by ads i don't want for things I don't need, 
and I'm sad the restrictions 
 on lies and hate language have been taken away. 
I've been accused of moving to an echo chamber, 
but the only echoes I hope to hear 
are of kindness and compassion: 
may they continue to resonate throughout the earth.

1 comment:

Lori Anderson said...

I can well understand how leaving Facebook would be a loss for you. I support and agree with your decision. I hope many others follow suit. Thank you for your gems here.