Friday, January 31, 2025

Another arrow to the heart

That’s how it feels. 
 Why does my heart ache 
When I look at this picture? 
Somehow the truck becomes 
Of all the souls abandoned, 
Left behind and lost 
By those who had the wherewithal to save them. 
And now, each day, 
Another arrow to the heart…

Thursday, January 30, 2025

As if…

Crossing the bridge at sunset, 
Something inside me thrills to see 
Sun streaming across the water, 
As if nothing’s changed; 
As if the world’s still beautiful, 
Brutality, prejudice and greed — 
Just things of the past, 
Fading before waves 
Of compassion and justice…

Wednesday, January 29, 2025

There is still beauty

In that last bright burst of color 
Before night claims the sky 
All the familiar landmarks fade 
 In black obeisance to beauty. 
Yes, there is still beauty, 
Though it’s easy to forget 
In times like these.

Tuesday, January 28, 2025

Easily startled

A rush of wings,
And the starlings are back, 
To lift and land as one, 
Decimating our bird feeders 
And filling the sky with iridescent murmurations: 
A social media frenzy without the media — 
Easily distracted, easily misled, easily startled 
Into foolish flights of fancy

Monday, January 27, 2025

Choose wisely

The mountain doesn’t change in the night: 
It’s the clouds who surround her 
That hide or draw attention to her beauty — 
Just as the friends we choose, 
The decisions we make, 
And the words we use give clues 
To both the majesty and flaws 
That lie within us: choose 

Sunday, January 26, 2025

Cowering in the shadows

Even this tiny one-eyed shell, 
Cowering in the shadows 
Of broken concrete 
Awakens my sympathy. 
How much more so do we ache 
For all those who now live in fear 
Of deportation?

Saturday, January 25, 2025

Impeaching peace

The lovely blush of morning 
Turns our distant clouds to peach:
 Is that impeachment? 
 And how sad is it, 
That that’s where my mind goes; 
That frustration continues 
 To shade my thoughts; 
To overlay visions of peace 
With shades of hope and loss?

Friday, January 24, 2025

Is art enough?

I never wanted this blog 
To be about politics; 
 To add another voice to the rising chorus 
 Of horror and frustration. 
 But is it enough to continue offering
A peaceful respite from the fray? 
Can that serve as a reminder 
That everyone deserves peace and compassion? 
Art as solace in hard times?

Thursday, January 23, 2025


Watching from my kitchen window 
As he floats gently by, 
I smile at the sense of freedom that must give, 
To rise above our earthly cares and squabbles 
And just breathe with the wind…
 I need to find some other ways to lift my soul.

Monday, January 20, 2025

Cold, cold, cold

After a relatively warm winter, 
We had our first frost this morning: 
the tip of my garden Buddha’s head 
is covered with ice. 
It seems somehow appropriate;
 so many hearts left out in the cold today…

Sunday, January 19, 2025

Into the echo chamber

Yesterday, disheartened 
by the recent changes in policy on FaceBook,
 I made the tough decision 
to stop posting these pieces there. 
I will miss that community 
of friends old and new from lives past and present, 
but I'm tired of being bombarded 
by ads i don't want for things I don't need, 
and I'm sad the restrictions 
 on lies and hate language have been taken away. 
I've been accused of moving to an echo chamber, 
but the only echoes I hope to hear 
are of kindness and compassion: 
may they continue to resonate throughout the earth.

Saturday, January 18, 2025

I was so disheartened 
By the recent changes in Facebook policy 
that I decided to take flight. 
I will no longer be posting there, 
but you’ll still be able to find me here, 
and I’ve also begun posting on BlueSky 
as dwalkerarts; Hope we can stay connected!

Friday, January 17, 2025

Flame-red reminder

As the characteristic reds and greens 
Of Christmas slowly fade, 
We’re left to face again 
The subtle grays of winter: 
Of clouds and leafless trees, 
 Of icy streets and melting snow, 
The wisps of fog above the lakes, 
The smoke from stoves and fires 
And the ash they leave behind — 
And there it is again, flame-red reminder 
Of the monumental losses 
Being faced in California; 
The unfathomable magnitude of destruction.

Thursday, January 16, 2025


How is it that some ideas 
Get so embedded that we can’t let go, 
But seem to grow around them; 
Hold them closer to our hearts 
Until we confuse them with our souls? 
Even when they’re foreign to our nature, 
We hang on, clutching them like stones, 
Ready to hurl at the next unbeliever, 
In spite of everything that tells us 
There’s a chance we might possibly be wrong…

Wednesday, January 15, 2025


I remember, as a child, 
Arranging candles on the mantelpiece, 
And my artist mom coming to correct me,
 Moving two to one side and one to the other, 
Explaining that asymmetry is preferable 
To symmetry — an early version, I suspect,
 Of the rule of thirds I later learned — 
And yet, like many humans,
 I still am drawn to symmetry,
 In landscapes and in faces, 
And wonder if that rule exists 
To ensure that it sets art apart 
As different; a new way of seeing. 
So, though I understand the rule 
And use it to advantage, 
I still find scenes like this quite appealing😉

Tuesday, January 14, 2025

Losses too huge to process

With time we learn from the sun and moon 
That trouble, pain, and change are like the clouds: 
They may slide in and out again,
 Or they might stay for days, 
But for the most part they will pass 
And the good times come again. 
But how can we begin to process 
Losses of this magnitude, 
When so much has been taken, 
And so little left behind?

Monday, January 13, 2025


I loved the peace of this scene, 
But, thinking the flagpole interfered, 
Attempted to erase it, but the result — 
Once I’d accomplished that — 
Was actually boring. 
It’s easy to forget 
That things that seem like obstacles 
May actually enhance our experience…

Sunday, January 12, 2025

Seeking resurrection

Emerging from the shadows into the light, 
The lavender field, newly planted, 
Bares no trace of the plum-colored beauty 
It breathed at harvest time, 
But we know that along with deciduous trees 
That go bare in the winter, 
Those colors will bloom again. 
It’s harder, when looking at fire’s devastation, 
To trust that the beauty we lost 
 Might ever achieve resurrection…

Saturday, January 11, 2025


Driving forward through life, 
Whatever goals we’ve set, 
Whatever paths we’ve planned to follow, 
There will always be distractions: 
Appealing byways that tempt us 
To explore new possibilities. 
How can we best discern which choice 
Might lead us in a positive,
 Life-affirming new direction, 
And which may just be taking us 
Down a pointless garden path? 
Open mind and heart and then just 
Listen; listen and trust 
That the best way to fulfill your charge 
And realize your potential will be revealed.

Friday, January 10, 2025

From a distance

From a distance, the Nimitz looks so small, 
But I remember watching it pass 
From a ferry, which was dwarfed by its size.
 1,092 feet long, with two nuclear reactors, 
And the sailors up on deck as it sailed by 
Waving to us like tiny ants, 
 Far above our heads… 
The farther we get from the ship — or a problem, 
The smaller it begins to seem, 
And so the millions of misplaced persons 
In the Sudan seem less critical somehow 
Than the thousands who’ve lost their homes 
In California, 
And that number raises fewer concerns 
Than the prayers that rise when those we know 
Are affected. When will — or can? — 
We ever understand 
The magnitude of these horrific disasters?

Thursday, January 9, 2025


I can’t seem to write about anything today 
But the California wildfires: 
My brother-in-law is in Altadena, 
Spending his time watering his roof 
While watching his neighbors’ houses burn; 
My son-in-law is hosting his displaced siblings… 
I ache for them, and the 70,000 others 
 Who’ve been displaced, 
 Those who’ve lost their homes and their cars, 
The thousands more who are without power, 
And the exhausted and overwhelmed ones 
Who are still fighting the fires. 
Lord have mercy on all who suffer here.

Wednesday, January 8, 2025

Small blessings

It’s funny, how the red and green of Christmas
 Keep resonating after the holiday’s end: 
Did the rooster wander over on purpose,
 Knowing his wattle against the grass 
Would echo the berries in the holly tree? 
Or his feathers reflect the trunk? 
Of course not! 
 It’s simply an accidental concurrence, 
But amusing to note, all the same — 
One of many small blessings 
To warm the watching photographer’s heart.

Tuesday, January 7, 2025

Majestic presence

Clear days are rare for us this time of year, 
So we rejoice when the mountain emerges — 
Even if only for an hour or two — 
From her ever present blanket of clouds 
And lift a toast (just coffee or orange juice) 
To celebrate her majestic and grounding 
Presence in our lives.

Monday, January 6, 2025

A healthy distance

Having once lived like this, 
On the edge of the world, 
I feel no envy as I float by on the ferry: 
It was truly lovely to live so close to the sea, 
But I don’t miss the thrill of sandbagging 
Or losing cars and propane tanks 
To the winter tides: 
To live a healthier distance 
 From the sea we love so well 
Has been a blessing — 
Though we miss the beach, 
We still enjoy the view. 
So many of the learnings that come with age 
Involve just that: discovering healthier distance 
And establishing better boundaries…

Sunday, January 5, 2025

A floral blessing

Ah, the blessing of a gift of flowers in midwinter:
 Such a treat to appreciate their fragile blooms 
And delicate scents when future looms 
So cold, and storms and power losses threaten…

Saturday, January 4, 2025


A small piece I developed as a class exercise 
Appealed to a friend, so I gave it away. 
She took it to a framer — much to my surprise — 
And now look: it’s a lovely piece of art! 
We must never forget 
What a difference context makes: 
There’s a gift in learning to see 
The special potential that can emerge 
From a carefully considered collaboration. 
Working together, it can be possible to produce Something new and unexpected; 
A delightful, more creative, 
 And even more appealing whole.

Friday, January 3, 2025


Standing in the kitchen 
As my morning coffee perks into being, 
I watch as the ship passes Mount Baker 
On its way to Seattle and wonder: 
Who’s on board? Where are they from, 
And what’s in their containers? 
How long have they been at sea, 
 And don’t they miss their families? 
And do their hearts still thrill 
To the pink sun on the mountain 
And the way the colors echo in the water,
 Or has the long journey jaded their reactions?

Thursday, January 2, 2025

Community: true or false

Like so many birds, flocking together, 
Or sheep, we follow these trends: 
What we eat, what we read, what we wear — 
It’s all there; you have only to look, to see 
We are not only creatures of habit, 
We’re hungry for belonging, 
And eager to fit in; the outliers are few, 
And far between. What does it mean? 
Could it be there’s something missing, 
Some hole we need to fill? 
Or were we consciously designed 
 To crave community; it’s just easier 
To mask our differences 
Than to work towards a true collaboration?

Wednesday, January 1, 2025

A new day

A new day dawns, ushering in 
 Yet another new year; 
Yet another opportunity 
 To create, to reform, 
 To be thoughtful and kind and generous; 
To resist and fight back; 
To love and find love; 
To bear witness to all that is good in the world; 
That is fragile and precious, 
Brave and unique and endangered — 
Yes you, who are all of those attributes and more, 
Have been given the chance 
To be more, to explore, to give back, to redeem, 
To embrace, yet again, all the marvelous options 
 That come with a new year of life.