Friday, August 30, 2024

Black coffeeklatsch

We had a murder in our yard, just yesterday 
(Of crows, of course) 
And while the others swarmed around, 
Fluttering in the birdbaths 
And snacking from the feeders, 
These two held a quiet conversation 
At a two-top of their own.
 It seemed there might be 
Some admonishment going on — 
The one on the right looks a bit ruffled — 
But it might just be the light, 
Or perhaps projection: 
Maybe they were just sharing their day, 
Swapping stories about their kids, 
Or developing their flight plan; 
Who could know?
 I photographed them, then left 
For a coffee date of my own.

1 comment:

YML said...

Dear Diane, this brought a smile to my face and my heart. I smile in my heart because we're empty nesters again after our son went back to school in another state. But our empty nest isn't some lonely place, instead, it's as open and expansive as the ocean, a fullness where my husband and I can have conversations, which may or may not be about our son, but he is always there between us. I smile outwardly, having fun deciding which of us is the ruffled one! Blessings to you, with warm memories of that wonderful visit in your home last month. Yin Mei