Saturday, February 17, 2024

A liking for complexity

I learned early on as a photographer 
That however beautiful the natural world was, 
For me, the photograph became more appealing 
If there was something human-made — 
And hopefully pleasing, or at least functional— 
To add interest to the picture.
 I love this mountain, 
 And photograph it frequently, 
But on a clear day with no clouds to set it off, 
The structures in the foreground 
Help to break up the monotony of blues, 
In much the same way, in my paintings 
(Often a monotony of blues) 
I find myself adding streaks and stripes across
 In contrasting colors to add interest…

1 comment:

Luis Serrano said...

Perfecto el texto explicativo sobre tu forma de entender la fotografía. Es cierto que ante un paisaje abierto, como es el caso, el haber situado ese primer plano con ese edificio hace que la foto tome otro interés y tenga además otro sentido. Me encanta esta foto.