Sunday, July 3, 2022

Patience rewarded

When we first moved in, we weren’t aware 
This rose bush even existed: 
She’d climbed up into a holly tree, 
And what blooms she had 
 Were hidden in its branches, 
 Twenty feet above the ground. 
A wise and kindly gardener 
 Noticed a few telltale petals 
 That had fallen to the grass, and cut her back; 
There were no promises she’d survive. 
The next year we found foot-high sprouts 
Spread throughout the garden, 
But no blooms. In an act of faith, 
We put a fence around them all 
To protect them from the deer, 
And this year she has rewarded us 
 With a garden full of blossoms — 
A gentle reminder that the three P’s — 
Pruning, Protection, and, above all, Patience — 
May be vital components for healthy growth.

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