Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Creative distance

I know; this is goofy.  But this otter pup swam up onto our beach yesterday, and after finishing his lunch began rolling in the sand.  At one level I was present -- I first noticed (as I was standing in my husband's office chatting) the telltale wake that suggested an animal was swimming toward the beach.  And when the pup came ashore and began eating I did have the presence of mind to run for my camera.

But the pictures were disappointing: the contrast between his dark wet fur and the light sand didn't allow for a lot of detail.  And I got so caught up in trying to solve that problem that I didn't think outside the box; it was my husband who pointed out that I could be videotaping the whole thing... a simple solution, really.

... and don't we humans do that all the time?  Get caught up in the immediate details and problems, and forget to step back and look at the larger world of possibility?  I think it's in the stepping back that true creativity has a chance to flourish -- not because we're separating ourselves, but because from a distance we can see the larger whole...


Maureen said...

My friend Seth Apter is out your way, on Whitby (did I remember that right?) Island, leading art workshops. He's loving it. I'll have to ask him what wildlife he noticed.

The one thing about that otter pup is that he's like human children: he can get away with that sand-rolling. We adults probably could not.

Louise Gallagher said...

so true Diane -- and I am grateful. You gave me 2 mins of pure delight this morning. Thank you!

Patricia Turner said...

How sweet! There is a creature who is totally in the moment and loving every second of it! That we could be so wise...