So of course I would love to have a garden, a really big and colorful one, mostly wildflowers, I think -- just to get those wonderful textures, colors and scents into my life.
Instead we have a yard populated almost exclusively by dune grass -- though we do have a bush of beach roses -- and every time I've made the effort to plant things a high tide would come along and inundate them with salt water.
I'm not complaining, mind you -- I'm mostly just explaining why I kept coming back to this picture, taken on our tour last week. It's not a great image, not beautifully composed, not even perfectly focused. But I LOVE the color; it feeds my soul.
So on the off chance that color feeds your soul, too, I'll risk publishing an imperfect image. Because it's a wonderful reminder that NONE of us have to be perfect. Sometimes what appeals to us is not perfection but energy -- the kind of warm, positive, chaotic, joyful energy this picture captures. It may not be tidy, but it really is just full of joy.
And really -- on a cloudy day, what more could you wish for?
Thanks for the color injection ... it did feed me!!
I'm with you on the colours and tones and textures and smells feeding my soul. -- very lovely. I feel enriched!
I'm so grateful you chose to share such perfect imperfection.
Photos are like children (and, I hope, us). They are all perfectly different and beautiful in their own individual way.
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