Wednesday, August 7, 2024


We live a few blocks away 
 From the county fairgrounds, 
And the fair will be arriving 
 This coming weekend, 
So, for some reason I fail to understand, 
This giant inflatable dinosaur 
 Now greets all passers by. 
He’s handsome, to be sure, and hard to miss, 
But I’m not sure what he communicates. 
Perhaps he’s what’s known as an influencer, 
Pumping increasingly irrelevant information out 
In hopes of getting noticed? 
Or simply more fake news; click bait, 
Designed to make us look, or even fear, 
Apparent sound and fury, but signifying nothing? 
Or like a a trickster politician — or a blogger — 
Drawing attention to false assumptions 
 And then shouting, “Made you look!” 
 So we all feel foolish…

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