Monday, August 21, 2023

Night thoughts

Ships passing in the night: a cliche, 
And obviously my camera couldn’t find 
Its focus in the dark, so I can only share 
The brightness and the color, 
Not the texture — the lifeboats, 
And all the tiny windows
 (Though I’ve never understood 
How it can be all lit up like that 
At 3 am, when all the folks aboard 
 Are sleeping, as I wish I were…). 
But of course the crew are awake, and busy 
Preparing for their return to port, 
Rounding up the luggage, making breakfast, 
And guiding the ship home through smoky seas. 
And I could bet some passenger, like me,
 Is wide awake and staring out their window 
Into the night, worrying about the challenges 
Awaiting them when they return to land, 
And wishing it were easier to fall asleep again…
 Perhaps they, too, crawl back in bed 
And say a prayer for all who work,
 Or watch, or weep this night.

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