So I printed it off in an 8 x 10 version, glued it to one of the wooden cradles and left it to dry. But I kept puzzling over that ridge going down the center: how could I make it more two-dimensional? I finally found some yarn that seemed to work, so I glued that down and then poured coating over the whole construction.
But the glue/coating just made the yarn more obviously scratchy, and this morning when I came downstairs to look at the piece I hated the yarn.
I debated putting more glue over it, because the voice in me that's always terrified of "wrecking" things (and wants every piece to be saleable) was doing its best to keep me from ripping off the yarn and risking a wasted panel.
So I sat on it for a bit to see what I really wanted to do, and what I really wanted to do was remove the yarn. I had to first reassure myself that it would be okay if the piece was trashed -- I could always order another panel -- and then I gritted my teeth and ripped off the yarn.

But look! This is what happened: the yarn released the glue's hold on the paper, so I was able to peel it back -- and I love the look. What looked like it might be failure turned into a marvelous discovery. What an important lesson -- and isn't this a perfect illustration of that wonderful Leonard Cohen verse -- "There's a crack in everything; that's how the light gets through"?
The enhancement gives the piece a completely different feel. I like it, too.
Beautiful. And so present. Awake. I love it.
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