Friday, September 24, 2010

Focus on the blues

Today is my younger daughter's birthday; she came over from Seattle to have lunch with us (and open presents of course!) but will be returning to the city for this evening's partying activities.

It's fun to watch her leap into her new life,  but she's not exactly a still pond: life's a bit crazy right now.  So when I found this photo I had taken my last afternoon in Vermont I found myself responding intensely to the stillness of it, and to those rich, deep, calming blues.

... which makes me wonder: can the blues -- I mean the kind of blues that make you sing sad songs about "Dat man who done me wrong" -- also be calming?  How did the color blue come to be associated with sadness?  It seems odd to me, because blue, for me, is associated with sunny skies.

Ah well.  That's about as deep a question as I can ask when she's bustling around getting ready to move another pile of stuff to her new apartment.  To muse on the really deep stuff of life, you need a little peace and quiet -- or, at least _I_ do -- and that seems  to be in short supply at the moment.  Which means I need to grab those calming breaths in odd moments, and trust that they, and images like this one, will be enough to tide me over to my next opportunity for peace.

May this photo offer you -- if only momentarily -- a spot of tranquility in your busy day...

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