I began by making the face, determined to make it more realistic than the face of the previous doll. I've not really done this before, and my only tools were a pencil, its eraser, and my fingernails: I definitely have a renewed respect for all the sculptors of the world! But eventually she seemed to sort of stabilize, and so I fired her up.

I had intended that she would have both her arms up, sort of dancing and triumphant (she seems to think she should be called Aphrodite, spirit of growth and change) but when I accidentally moved one of her arms to adjust a strand of hair I realized she had lots of different possible positions.What I didn't realize -- until I looked at the photos this morning -- is that she almost becomes different people in those different positions. Which tells you a lot about the importance of body language, eh? But I love that her mood can change depending on what we need her to be.
And what I love even more is that in that second position, when she looks like she's cradling a child, she bears a very strong resemblance to the image that came to me after my mother died -- the first time I was able to see God as female. I remember I was on Shaw Island at the time, and I had this sense of being tenderly cradled in the arms of a giant native woman.
So there you go: another surprising synchronicity. May your day be full of gifts, and may you feel cradled in the arms of the Divine.
I like how your muse is taking you to a new place. Do keep making these. This one is wonderful, too. And you are right about the expressions changing with the poses.
Diane ... is there no end to your talent and creativity? These are magical!
(and the answer to the question above, is obviously and gloriously, "NO!")
Mama! I love these dolls! They're so comfortable.. comforting? They're just great. I am going to admit I like the first one's face more because this one looks very much like the style of the lady who makes the Buddhas, and something irks me about you feeling like you ought to make something more realistic... but yeah.
You want to know something weird though? The headdress that Lindsay had made for her before she died that she loved so much, it's super reminiscent of the hair of this doll- and Lindsay if anything was certainly bold!
See how there's similar yarns, and the beads and all that?
Oh, wow. I went and looked; that's... incredible. So she is with us still, I guess, and loving you through me?
I don't know if it's loving me. Maybe she thought she wanted to meet you. (Have I told you any about the dreams?)
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