Or should I say "Hommmmmmm...."
Or maybe even "Ommmmm..."
The good news is that this was only a temporary setback. She struck me as beautiful: very vital and alive, alert despite the drugs; her color was good, and her eyes were just luminous. But it was good to have made the trip, good to see her again (it's been a while); good to get that reminder that there IS another place where I belong, even after a long absence.
So why this image? It's an attempt to duplicate something I saw in a dream last night, which in turn was based (I suspect) on a piece I saw in a gallery I visited on my way home yesterday. It didn't come out the way I expected it to, and I may work on it some more. But it's made of ferry floor images (and a cormorant from today's Thomas image); I can't seem to stop taking these pictures and playing with them.
I don't know what that's about, and don't have time to speculate at the moment: I've a busy day ahead of me -- a class to take and an exhibit to hang, and all the preparations to make both those things happen. Perhaps this is just to say I'm on a road; maybe I don't quite yet need to know where it's going, so I'm just photographing it as I go, keeping track of progress.
The image is intriguing - I think it's lovely as is but will be curious to see if you continue to work on it.
Diane ... stunning image with incredible colors. I love the "meaning just out of reach" feel of it.
Wish I could be there for your art show opening ... I hope it is joyful.
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