Saturday, May 5, 2012

A thought for Cinco de Mayo

 Happy Cinco de Mayo!

Having just spent my morning on the phone with my daughter, helping her to navigate some tricky social issues around friendship, responsibility, guilt and repentance; helping her figure out which expectations are reasonable and which are not, I find it curious that the poem for today in Joyce Rupp's Fragments of Your Ancient Name is this Guide to Repentance from the Qur'an:

 Lead me to see clearly
When I need to truly repent
and when the guilt I feel
Is not helpful for my growth.
Guide me to change my heart
When I have gone astray.
Draw me into genuine sorrow
For my deliberate wrongdoings.
Strengthen my inner resolve
To be a person of great love.

Hmm.  I think I need to let her know about those last two lines...


Louise Gallagher said...


Maureen said...

Thank you for sharing that poem, which I like a lot. Those last two lines: Yes!