Thursday, October 20, 2011

Under a lowering sky

We received the sad news yesterday that a friend of ours who has been struggling with a recent divorce and his daughters' decisions to move away, put an end to his life this week.

There's so much I could say, but I actually think my husband said it best: "Sad, sad, sad." It is a terribly sad thing, and I worry greatly about his decision's impact on their daughters.  And of course, as is always true in cases like this, those of us who cared for him can't help wondering if there might have been something more we could have done to avert this tragedy.

I'm certain -- wherever he is -- that he's making beautiful music.   I'm hoping that he finds the peace that eluded him in this life.  And I'm praying really hard for those two lovely girls...


Joyce Wycoff said...

I'm so sorry to hear about your friend. His leaving must leave a conflicting trail of feelings ... grief and sadness combined with anger and frustration. hugs.

Maureen said...

My sympathy for the loss of your friend, Diane.

May his soul, as O'Donohue wrote in his blessing, "Enter into the beauty of eternal tranquility, / In that place where there is no more sorrow / Or separation or
mourning or tears."

Gberger said...

I don't know him, but MB did - and his family - and we are heartbroken for all of them. May God give each one of them, and you, his friends, peace and comfort as all of you walk this difficult path.

Diane Walker said...

Thank you all for your thoughts and prayers, and Karen -- give MB my love...

Gberger said...

Will do. xoxo