Monday, November 29, 2010

Yes instead of no

I remember, when my girls were small, learning to watch out for and avoid threesomes: despite the biblical admonitions about "where two or three are gathered in my name," the combination of three always seemed bedeviled; always seemed to result in two against one, and tears.

And though that wasn't what I saw when I first shot this image, I can't help noticing it now and wondering: what is it about human beings, that always drives us to exclude?  Why do we form alliances, then kick each other out? And why, when one takes on that voice, do the others look away, and distance themselves?  Can it be because we know the choice is wrong?

And then, knowing this tendency as we do, why do we persist in designing worlds as if this does not happen?  Why spend our time devising theories, languages and activities that deny or disguise this reality, this truth?

The cynic in me says there is no point, but steps aside to listen when a friend points out how much the world has changed.  Think of all the ones who might have been excluded when I was young, and of the gift their lives have become over time: the women who could not even vote; the dark-skinned ones who could not drink or ride or eat with whites; the many who were shunned for race, color or creed...

Yes, exclusion has been a fact of life, and still exists.  And, yes, there are days when we long to give up hope.  And yet our efforts up til now have brought so many victories: we can't resign the battle, but resolve instead to continue striving for that tipping point when all the hands that once were raised to block reach out instead to embrace and welcome in.

Where, today, will you say yes instead of no?


Joyce Wycoff said...

Thanks for the reminder ... there are many overwhelming challenges in our world ... but we have made remarkable progress in many areas. Today I will say yes to the belief that we will find a way to solve our problems.

Louise Gallagher said...

Joyceanne mentioned your post on a comment on my blog yesterday -- so true -- where will we turn our palms over to reach out and embrace?

Good post Diane -- and, we can teach others how not to pull apart when we are three. Truly we can.