I drew a picture of the heart/river -- just as a reminder -- and then went hunting for a photograph to share with you, and this is what appeared. I don't even remember where I shot it, but it popped up almost immediately, at the top of my "latest pictures" folder, and what's odd is that it bears a curious resemblance to that logo I was trying to create.
So of course I had to superimpose the drawing over the image, to see what would happen.

It's not great art, of course. But can you sort of see that the body is the part defined by the green, and that the heart at the center, and the river pouring out are really part of the world outside the circle? And I like that the tree extends the delta beyond the circle, like a tongue; maybe that's our words flowing out?
And now I see that every breath is an opportunity to reconnect. And, more importantly, I see that when our hearts are broken -- like that big crack at the center -- and we are thrust into that dark night, it is actually we who are broken open, and it's a gift, allowing us to connect with God and the universe -- if we can accept that, and not move quickly to seal the hole.
And then I realize that this is an illustration of the closing paragraph of Teresa's talk, the one I posted two days ago:
Surrendering and accepting opens the door to trusting the Good that God is, allowing It to flow through us, in whatever form it takes. Trusting God allows us to release our illusions of control and our exhausting habits of separation. The Dark Night moves us closer to true realization and unification, closer to the revelation of the simple joy of truly living as God in this material world.
Life-lines like vein-cracks
are sometimes hard to see.
They can twist, meander,
separate, come loose
waiting for skillful hands
to make the right connection.
"...it is actually we who are broken open, and it's a gift, allowing us to connect with God and the universe -- if we can accept that, and not move quickly to seal the hole."
Yes. Allowing the hole to remain open is one of the hardest things to do, at least it is for me. Holding both--the pain and the space, especially when it's hard to see God/Good in what is happening, is agony at times. But so, so worth it. That delta is such fertile ground.
I love your illustration, Diane. It IS great art---at least it is to me.
Sending you much love--
"Trusting God allows us to release our illusions of control and our exhausting habits of separation." This quote of yours is so true - so easy to understand when reading, so not easy to put into real living!
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