Wednesday, October 2, 2024

Each path an adventure

Each path contains within an invitation, 
A challenge to the curious; 
 Even those who know what’s at the end 
Are drawn to continue, 
Whether they see it as a means to that end 
Or a chance to discover 
What mysteries might have evolved 
Since last they passed — 
Because, as you know, 
 Things are always changing: 
The rosehips may have darkened. 
There might be some new frogs 
Chirping their welcome, 
Or a garter snake might slither across 
The ground in front of you, 
Or finally, as the trees part 
To reveal the vista that lies ahead, 
The clouds might have drifted away, 
Leaving the snow that tops the mountain 
In the distance glowing pink in the sunset:
 Each step an opportunity for adventure.

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