Saturday, July 13, 2024

Web of disconnection

I fear that we are caught
In a tangled web of disconnection,
Where the essential characteristics
Of humanity that link us, each to each,
And to our natural surroundings 
Lead us not to integration and community;
To the common ground that unites us all,
But rather to division;
A dead end that leaves our shattered selves
Flattened, isolated, broken,
And unable to resist the larger forces
That threaten to ride roughshod over all.
How can we begin to blur
That deep groove that divides us
And focus on exposing 
The  bonds that flow between us:
Restoring our awareness
Of all the ways we are alike, 
The depth and the magnitude
Of the concerns that we share,
And the spirit that enlivens  
Each and every precious atom of creation.

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