But then something prompted me to add the larger one at the lower left, and suddenly there was a rightness to it, a sense of "from One, many." A feeling of movement, acceleration... hard to explain.
But not surprising, given how my day is going today: piles of intensity (or what passes for it, in a relatively calm life): I put my husband on a plane for a consulting gig this morning, one daughter is in California sending a dear friend back to Australia, the other daughter is in a job interview as I write (keeping my fingers crossed while typing is challenging) and I JUST got news that it looks like one of my favorite pieces has sold. For some reason it's almost difficult to contain the voltage.
So I was amused this morning (I've started a new book; Eugene Peterson's Run with the Horses: The Quest for Life at its Best) to read the following:
"We are convinced that we are plain and ordinary. The town or city that we live in, the neighborhood we grew up in, the friends we are stuck with, the families or marriages that we have -- all seem undramatic... [but] something very different takes place in the life of faith: each person discovers all the elements of a unique and original adventure... God's creative genius is endless: each life is a fresh canvas on which he uses lines and colors, shades and lights, textures and proportions that he has never used before."
Given the way the rest of my life has gone so far today, I would have to agree: this life is indeed a unique and original -- and wonderful -- adventure!
PS: My daughter just called to say she got the job!
1 comment:
Great news all around!
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