My routine got all confused: one of the cats elected to sleep with the kids last night (but we didn't know that) so I was worried he'd be out all night (we have marauding eagles, coyotes, raccoons and otters, all threats to a beloved kitty).
And because it was warm we left our bedroom door open -- which meant I was awakened at 3 AM by the desperate cries of our other cat, who was shut up in her room for the night and desperately lonely for her sleeping buddy.
She and I got up and went outside in search of the other cat, but with no luck (since he was closeted with the kids) but by then I was awake, so I sat in my chair with a cup of coffee and did my morning's reading/coursework with her purring and kneading contentedly in my lap.
Finally, around 4:30, I returned her to her room and went back to bed, then slept til almost 8, barely time to shower and meditate before my weekly coffee date. So now I'm back, looking at this blank page, not remembering anything I read. I have a nice picture to offer, but not really anything to say about it... it's a good reminder that the way my routine works is the way it works; that I'm not nearly so articulate and observant as the day wears on!
And you know what?
That's okay, too: it's all good.
Have a wonderful day! And may all your cats come safely home at the end of it...
1 comment:
My version of your kitty was my husband, who got up before 4:30 and trotted off to work because he couldn't sleep. He didn't know I was awake and I got up at 5:30. I took at wee nap at 8:00 and have been going since. And it's all good, too,
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