I would like to dedicate today's post to all those for whom stillness means the manger is still empty; for all who woke this morning to find that the child or spouse is still gone, the job is still tenuous or terminated, the money for the next house or car payment or grocery bill still hasn't appeared, the illness is still there, the stockings are still empty, the snow still blocks the exit, or the hurt and pain of life still loom large despite all the promises this season appears to make. I pray the light will shine anyway, somehow, somewhere, and you will find some peace and hope in this day.
Readings for today: Psalms 96, 97 Psalm 98 Isaiah 9:2-4, 6-7 Titus 2:11-14 Luke 2:1-14
A beautiful post today and it reminds me of my favourite Christmas Carol, an Austrian Carol (and lullaby) named..."Still, Still, Still":
Still, still, still, One can hear the falling snow. For all is hushed, The world is sleeping, Holy Star its vigil keeping. Still, still, still, One can hear the falling snow.
Sleep, sleep, sleep, 'Tis the eve of our Saviour's birth. The night is peaceful all around you, Close your eyes, Let sleep surround you. Sleep, sleep, sleep, 'Tis the eve of our Saviour's birth.
Dream, dream, dream, Of the joyous day to come. While guardian angels without number, Watch you as you sweetly slumber. Dream, dream, dream, Of the joyous day to come.
A lovely blog. Merry Christmas to you from Rome, Italy
A beautiful post today and it reminds me of my favourite Christmas Carol, an Austrian Carol (and lullaby) named..."Still, Still, Still":
Still, still, still,
One can hear the falling snow.
For all is hushed,
The world is sleeping,
Holy Star its vigil keeping.
Still, still, still,
One can hear the falling snow.
Sleep, sleep, sleep,
'Tis the eve of our Saviour's birth.
The night is peaceful all around you,
Close your eyes,
Let sleep surround you.
Sleep, sleep, sleep,
'Tis the eve of our Saviour's birth.
Dream, dream, dream,
Of the joyous day to come.
While guardian angels without number,
Watch you as you sweetly slumber.
Dream, dream, dream,
Of the joyous day to come.
A lovely blog. Merry Christmas to you from Rome, Italy
Thank you for the lovely carol -- and blessings to you; how wonderful it must be to be in Rome at Christmastime!
Beautiful prayer.
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