Monday, August 31, 2015

A last hurrah

This one was pure indulgence, painted over a canvas that was being discarded by our local theater company. 

I'm grateful to them for thinking I might be able to use it, and grateful for the sense of freedom it brought me, that no matter what I painted it would be okay, because it was already destined for the trash heap.  So it was pure indulgence -- cheap paint, favorite colors, and a deliciously loose application.

It's also my last hurrah before I have to retire my arm for a bit -- I'm having shoulder surgery this afternoon -- so I'm doubly delighted with the juiciness of it...


Maureen said...

Wishing you a speedy recovery from surgery, Diane.

Hugs to you.

revbranwen said...

Oh, no -- not the trash heap! This is lovely, Diane. I wish you every blessing and a full recovery from surgery. Barbara