Sunday, April 12, 2009


And so,
having stepped into this cavernous abyss
and finding you not there,
I emerge from contemplation
of the emptiness within
to find you waiting on the street --
to see your penetrating gaze
in the eyes of each fellow traveler --

and then at last
the angels who have walked with me
into and through the darkness
tip their baptismal font
and I am bathed in light.

Blinded by your glory
I stagger forth into the world
to love,
to love.

* * *


Unknown said...

Thank you for the beautiful post and everything you've shared these past few weeks. What a wonderful ministry you have!

altar ego said...

Beautiful posts this last week, so exactly, well, Holy Weekish! And now, into the light!

Jan said...

This is so beautiful. Thank you. This is the message for today and always.

painter ofblue said...

This is an amazing poem. Thank you!

Diane Walker said...

Thank you all for walking through Lent and Easter with me!