Friday, March 20, 2009

Igniting the air with the music of blessing

Today I am reading Lawrence Freeman's thoughts on Spirit. And in talking about the passage (John 6:63) where Jesus says "The words which I have spoken to you are both spirit and life," Freeman says this:

"By saying that his words were spirit and life, Jesus opens a new way of understanding both his identity and the nature of spirit. In the theology of the Trinity the Holy Spirit means primal communication. She is the love exchanged between Father and Son in that communion which is Being itself and which we call God. Spirit is not only the bond of the Trinitarian communion but its very oneness....All relationship, sentient and insentient, is an expression of this primal relationship. The structure of all existence is thus essentially Trinitarian, dynamic and fluent. The Spirit is the relationship subsisting between all that exists and so holds all in being...Spirit is not only the I-Thou of relationship but the we as well."

I love this idea of Spirit as relationship, that space between; more than breath and air but the charge that sparkles between individuals, between individuals and nature, between individuals and God, between everything that is; that space between all particles that vibrates with such energy. And for some reason it feels like the sound of this lone trumpeter: the intention of her music informing the breath she blows through her instrument, that emerges as pure clear notes of song that then echo across the valleys and bounce off the hills and trees, igniting all the air around us with beauty, light and sound; connecting all that listens in a moment of oneness.

1 comment:

Sybil Archibald said...

Beautiful post. The last paragraph is poetry.