Thursday, February 27, 2025

Economic Blackout Day

 I won’t be here on Friday,

but I’ll be back Saturday with a report.

Painstakingly constructed

Like this little gazebo, our government 
Is a painstakingly constructed edifice, 
Built to stand the test of time 
And shelter those who need it. 
To destroy the work of so many 
Is a brutal tragedy.

Wednesday, February 26, 2025


Watching the dismantling 
 Of the systems put in place to protect 
All those less fortunate than ourselves 
 Creates an unassuageable ache in the hearts 
Of all who were once proud to have been 
Part of a country founded on the principles
Of inalienable rights and equality. 
What will it take to rebuild?

Tuesday, February 25, 2025

Maintaining focus

There’s still clarity and beauty out there, 
It’s just hard to detect 
When so much is happening in the foreground: 
The reflections of our own thoughts and fears, 
The raindrops of our tears,
The light all the pundits try to shed, 
And the flag waving of both sides — 
All obscuring what we know to be true: 
 Compassion and hope must prevail.

Monday, February 24, 2025

Artist as poet

It took me sixty years 
 To discover I was an artist, 
And I may spend another sixty 
Exploring what that means,
 But I always knew I was a poet; 
I just didn’t know I could be both; 
That I didn’t need to choose between the two, 
Or that the rhythms found in one could be 
Reflected in the other…

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Creative tension

The question is this: 
What do we choose to focus on? 
The fierceness of the storm, 
Or the colors in the sky — 
Or can we hold it all in creative tension; 
That both are true, 
And therein lies an opportunity 
To express what needs to be birthed 
 At this particular moment in time?

Saturday, February 22, 2025

Be watchful and brave

Despite the high winds, he climbed 
 To the topmost branch of the tree, 
Then crossed to a neighboring branch 
That swayed in the wind, 
Then climbed back down 
To a stabler place 
And settled in to watch the deer. 
We’ll need to be equally watchful 
 And brave in the coming months: 
There’s a lot at stake.

Friday, February 21, 2025

Living on edge

It seems we’re all living 
Life on the edge these days. 
Somehow we need to find 
The beauty and possibility in that 
And not become paralyzed 
By our fear of falling…

Thursday, February 20, 2025

Morning greetings

It’s morning, 
And the mama and her yearling 
Are here to greet me as the day begins. 
My heart sings, 
Rejoicing in our connection.

Wednesday, February 19, 2025


The iridescent moss 
Clings to the trees and rocks 
Just as we cling to the old ideas 
Of honesty, integrity, humility, and compassion. 
 May such values prove resilient 
And as hard to eliminate 
As that ever-present moss…

Tuesday, February 18, 2025

A sedentary day

And now, a chance 
To sit in peace and appreciate 
The quiet of a sedentary day; 
The trees, the hills, the fog, the sea — 
All reaching out to calm our troubled hearts 
And sing a song of peace.

Monday, February 17, 2025

Surviving unexpectedness

Gliding into port on a gray and rainy day,
 I looked beyond the barriers 
 To the strange day that awaited us —
 So many cries for help: 
A forgotten purse, a misread schedule, 
A child’s grief-stricken act, 
Unexpected turbulence, 
A crack in the wall, and a frog: 
 And yet — it all worked out. 
Surprised, and grateful.

Sunday, February 16, 2025

A Sunday kind of sweetness

And the moon hovers in the blue mist 
 Overlooking the water, 
Spreading a gentle glow below 
Her delicate lavender blanket. 
There’s a Sunday kind of sweetness in the air.

Saturday, February 15, 2025

Don’t miss it!

The beauty of the day may go unseen 
If we’re busy locking horns 
With some annoying adversary. 
Be sure to step away from anger and irritation 
Long enough to appreciate 
 The glory nature has to offer.

Friday, February 14, 2025

Happy Valentines Day

It’s hard, in the dead of winter, 
To imagine things looking rosy; 
It’s hard, when love’s been lost, 
To imagine finding it again, 
And hard, when so much is broken, 
To imagine it will ever be fixed, 
Yet still we remember kindness, and Spring, 
And trust that they will come again. 
 Happy Valentines Day!

Thursday, February 13, 2025

Pay attention!

Pay attention! 
The dawning sun has briefly clothed
The mountain and the sea in stripes today:
 Look quickly, as they’ll fade; 
Watch closely, as the clouds step in 
To gray and wash away those glorious colors, 
And remember how things looked 
Before the charming differences 
Were whitened into bland.

Wednesday, February 12, 2025

Small town life

The quiet charm of a small town 
On an early winter’s morning, 
Untouched as yet 
By the heartless machinations 
Of those in power far away 
Is what we’re longing to protect: 
People caring for one another, 
Sharing in communities; 
Human stories lived against 
A background of natural beauty.

Tuesday, February 11, 2025

Morning moon

Having awakened
To a beautiful moonlit morning, 
I face the challenges of the day 
With renewed vigor and joy, 
Enchanted by that golden ribbon of light.

Monday, February 10, 2025

Breathe in solidarity

That sinking feeling when you realize 
A minor dusting of snow in your own backyard 
Is a white-out blizzard elsewhere, 
And you’ll need to drive through it 
To get to that doctor’s appointment 
You’ve waited six months for: A minor challenge, 
Compared to what’s happening elsewhere… 
Just breathe, and stand in solidarity 
With all who are afraid.

Sunday, February 9, 2025

The larger family

They still travel together, 
This father and son, 
And squabble from time to time,
 Locking horns and then licking 
Each other and grooming; 
Greeting us mornings 
As if glad to be part of 
This larger family we share. 
We’re honored, as well, 
And grateful they’ve welcomed us here, 
 As they were here first.

Saturday, February 8, 2025

Fond memories

A dear friend in Paris visiting the Cluny on holiday
Reminded me of a visit there 25 years ago, 
When I took this picture, which I still love, 
Which I named Boisterous at the Cluny. 
So many years, and still the photo 
Brings back sweet memories: 
The blessings of photography; 
So precious; such a blessing.

Friday, February 7, 2025

Art imitating life

I tried to paint using blues and whites, 
But somehow when it dried 
Great swaths of brown appeared. 
So to relieve the brown and give it character, 
I added tiny marks, but now 
I’m seeing insects, and they bug me — 
 Like so much else that’s happening. 
 Once again, Art’s imitating life…

Thursday, February 6, 2025

Snow job

It’s a snow job, right? 
False flattery on the one hand, 
While the other systematically destroys 
All we hold dear? 
So confusing, and so very white, 
We can’t seem to see familiar landmarks any more… When will it stop, 
And what will be left when the sky clears again?

Wednesday, February 5, 2025

Breathe, and breathe again

Resting my heart In the evening’s alpenglow 
Dusting Mount Baker with its rosy blush, 
I take a deep breath and breathe again 
 Releasing the worries of the day, 
Hoping sleep will give us strength 
 And courage for the battles that lie ahead.

Tuesday, February 4, 2025

Seeking restoration

While we were busy arguing, 
Someone else was quietly 
Removing food from the table. 
What will it take to return our rights, 
Or are they gone forever?

Monday, February 3, 2025

Where’s the eagle eye?

Where’s the eagle eye 
That should be watching over us, 
Preventing the wholesale takeover 
Of all the systems put in place 
To protect and defend us? 
And how can we best respond?

Sunday, February 2, 2025

Trust and continue

I take heart from my fig tree, 
Which already boldly bears 
Next summer’s fruits; 
Whose imperfect branches have already begun 
To sprout next year’s extensions. 
We, too, must trust and continue 
To birth into the future 
What is crying to be born in us: 
Compassion, hope, and mercy for all.

Saturday, February 1, 2025

Not all downhill

It’s hard not to think 
Things are all downhill from here 
But we have to trust that at some point 
In the hopefully not-too-distant future 
The road will rise up to greet us. 
The question now is what steps can we take 
To help make that happen?