Friday, May 31, 2019

Your time will come

Trust me: I know it looks impossible right now,
but you can get to where you want to go:
You just have to wait for the tide to change.
Breathe. Be patient. Your time will come.

Thursday, May 30, 2019

The bliss that is Now

Beyond happiness and unhappiness
there lies the bliss of Now:
fragile and ephemeral, chaotic and complex,
more present and more nourishing
than what’s past or yet to be.
Breathe in the aliveness of this moment,
and be thankful.

Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Beckoned by the light

Beckoned by the light,
we venture ever deeper into the mystery...

Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Let your soul ignite!

Do not be afraid to explore the depths:
Deep below the confines of the mind,
in that mystical space
where logic and intuition merge,
joy and creativity are flaring.
Let your soul ignite!

Monday, May 27, 2019

Wishing you peace

Wherever you’re paddling today,
may the waters be calm
and the obstacles you encounter
be slight, and easily circumvented.

Sunday, May 26, 2019

Step into the light

Listen. Can you hear the birds?
Listen again: can you hear the breeze?
Listen again: can you hear your heart,
Calling you to step into the light?
The path you were born to travel
still has much to offer you:
Rejoice, fear not, and step into the light.

Saturday, May 25, 2019

The root of compassion

The root of compassion is understanding
that we share a common ground;
that the truth is greater than any one of us
can see or comprehend;
that when we share our differing perspectives
we’re getting a bigger picture,
and helping to broaden everyone’s awareness...

Friday, May 24, 2019

So quickly gone...

What yesterday we so admired
today is cast upon the ground.
The sun that shone so brightly
now retreats behind the clouds.
Treasure your moments and appreciate:
What we love is all too quickly gone...

Thursday, May 23, 2019

Deep reflections

May the depth of your reflections this morning
echo the vast wonder of the sky...

Wednesday, May 22, 2019

Hearts cupped in readiness

Hearts cupped in readiness
we await the blessings of the day...

Tuesday, May 21, 2019

Awaken to new life

As the earth warms, the plants respond 
and the air takes on the freshening scent of spring.
Make time today to stop and breathe,
to let what lies dormant within you
awaken to new life.

Monday, May 20, 2019

Choosing to bloom

And still,
though severed from their roots,
they choose to bloom
and spread their sweet perfume...

Sunday, May 19, 2019

The gift of you

The most important gift you have to offer
is your self: the truth and essence
of the life you were born to live.

Saturday, May 18, 2019

Beyond the mind

Beyond the mind that fences in our thoughts
there lies an open field and wide expanse
of love and possibility offered by the heart.
Clamber over that fence into freedom,
and sink into the wonder that awaits.

Friday, May 17, 2019

Fly safely

Whatever you’re flying into this week,
may the experience of liftoff and flight
fill your heart with joy,
may your landing be gentle,
and may your travels bring you closer to your dreams.

Thursday, May 16, 2019

In gratitude for the rain

With the clouds, I weep
for man’s unkindness to his fellow man.
With the flowers, I bow my head
in gratitude for the rain.

Wednesday, May 15, 2019

On the value of process...

This is not a painting, but just a palette:
dry, and ready to clean. A powerful reminder
that the process we go through
to get to where we think we’re meant to go
may have just as much value — if not more —
as the end point of our journey.
Pay attention along the way: there’s beauty everywhere!

Tuesday, May 14, 2019

Take a walk

Feeling stressed, out of sorts, frustrated?
Instead of numbing yourself out
with food, or drink, shopping, tv, or social media,
why not take a walk; let nature offer
her own uniquely satisfying
and magical refreshment...

Monday, May 13, 2019

An invitation to love

At the heart of every great religion
lies the invitation to love, to care;
to discover the core of acceptance that lies deep within us,
and to extend that grace to all that we encounter...

Sunday, May 12, 2019

To everyone who helps us grow

Mother’s Day is our opportunity to express our grateful appreciation
to anyone who has ever invited us to grow without expecting us to be perfect;
to everyone who’s been willing to guide us without ever fostering shame.
And if you’ve been lucky enough to have served in this capacity,
helping to encourage the best in those around you,
you, too, have been a mother, and we salute you.

Saturday, May 11, 2019


How can something so fragile, so delicate,
produce so strong and sweet a scent?
Perhaps because it throws its whole heart into the task?
What will you do whole-heartedly today?

Friday, May 10, 2019

Our communal loneliness

That sense of disconnection;
that whatever it is you’re struggling with,
there’s no one else who cares or understands.
And yet, the chances are
that almost everyone you meet is feeling something similar.
Be tender with one another, and be kind —
It’s a lonely world out there.

Thursday, May 9, 2019

Celebrating the flame we share

Today I want to celebrate the creative spirit;
the flame we share that ignites the heart
of everything that lives:
that invites the rose to bloom
and the trees to bear their fruit;
that calls the birds to sing, the bees to dance,
and our hearts to love and grow...

Wednesday, May 8, 2019

Just as some mountains are larger than others,
some problems are larger than others,
and ever so much harder to get around.
Give yourself permission to stop climbing.
Perhaps if you step back and breathe
a new path may appear...
and even if it doesn’t, you’ll have more energy
for the work that lies ahead.

Tuesday, May 7, 2019

Finding that balance

So much of our decision-making
involves finding a balance
between the support, shelter, and safety
that help to make us fruitful
and the challenges that are necessary
and essential to foster growth...

Monday, May 6, 2019

Leave the baggage...

As you sail off into the sunset,
don’t forget to leave your baggage behind:
Those hidden agendas and expectations,
those opinions and preconceived notions
will really only serve to impede your progress ...

Sunday, May 5, 2019

Choosing how -- and what -- we see

How we feel will always influence
what we think we see.
If this lawn represents a morass of difficulties,
are we climbing out, or being sucked in?
Is truth finally emerging or slowly disappearing?
Is hope being born or gradually dying?
The choice is yours: you get to decide.

Saturday, May 4, 2019

Safe to bloom

This morning I say thank you to the flowers
for trusting us with their fragile luminance.
May everyone we meet today
feel safe enough to bloom in our presence.

Friday, May 3, 2019

Time to move on

Yesterday I said goodbye to the last of our baby robins;
today the nest is empty, but I don’t mourn.
It’s yet another way that nature teaches us
there’s a time to give birth, a time to nurture,
and a time when we can safely let go;
stop living in or dwelling on the past...

Thursday, May 2, 2019

Mistakes as opportunities

We need to stop looking at our mistakes
as things to be ashamed of,
and learn to corral and examine them instead
as opportunities for learning.

Wednesday, May 1, 2019

Step into the light

Perhaps it’s time
to stop waiting in the shadows.
Perhaps it’s time to step forth into the light.