Monday, October 28, 2024

Ships passing

What must it be like, 
To be traveling on so large a ship 
When the rising sun paints the clouds 
 Such glorious colors? 
Do they pause to watch, 
Or take turns steering 
So all eyes may drink their fill?

Sunday, October 27, 2024

Geese on a lawn

How is my heart like a flock of geese on a lawn? Scattered, yet still all lined up, 
Like ducks in a row, 
Trying to do the right thing 
While yet still some rebellion; 
Some part of me always standing apart, 
Another part clustered for safety 
While other parts, curious, keep looking around 
(For inspiration, or danger? Who knows?) 
All the while gratefully nibbling 
 On the grass nature gives us, 
And happy to rest for a while although knowing 
The long flight awaits us,
 When all parts will gather and fly in formation 
For the long journey home.

Saturday, October 26, 2024


Striations in the leaves, 
So regular they look intentional, 
A grace filled decoration 
That adds to the design, 
 Highlighting natural beauty already in place — 
Almost like wrinkles, adding beauty, 
But speaking of age, 
And of losses yet to come…

Friday, October 25, 2024

Nature vs. nurture

Nature permits us to impose our will, 
But whatever we create or construct — 
Be it barns, relationships, communities, 
Organizations or democracies — 
We must commit to maintain, 
Or nature will conspire to break it down: 
That which we neglect or ignore 
Will gradually, inevitably, 
 Revert to its original non-existence.

Thursday, October 24, 2024

The moon wasn’t full

Yes, it was a half moon, 
And my mobile camera couldn’t do it justice, 
But the way it sent light echoes to the stars, 
Highlighted the striations of the clouds 
 While etching the dark strokes of the tree 
Felt like encouragement: 
 To help all those we can; 
To shine a light on both the beauty 
 And the darkness of the world as best we can; 
 Not shrinking from the task 
For fear that some might mock our imperfections.

Wednesday, October 23, 2024

Flights of inspiration

That which, within us, 
Exults in the flight of the snow geese 
Both remembers and anticipates 
 Our own flights of inspiration; 
Feels that lifting of the heart 
Like the beating of a thousand wings…

Tuesday, October 22, 2024

Nature comforts

I take comfort in knowing 
The essentials of nature 
Are both ever-changing and unchangeable
 (If that’s a word; my iPhone says it’s not); 
That the water, the grass, and the trees, 
The mountains, the clouds, the mist and the sky 
Still have the power to soothe me 
When I’m unsettled and anxious, 
And I’m grateful.