Wednesday, July 3, 2024

Justice will prevail

What’s now a gray day 
 Was a beautiful dawn: 
An opportunity, of course, 
To feel that things have gone down hill. 
But it also reminds us that though things change; 
The others — the staples of the view — 
The water, the sky, the clouds, the sun, 
The wholeness and underlying unity 
Of all creation, 
 The divinity that infuses every particle and atom 
Will remain constant , 
Despite the clouds that occasionally drift by. 
Take hope from this, my friends, take hope, 
And continue to believe, in spite of everything, 
That the arc of the universe, 
 Which seems so long, 
Continues to bend toward justice.

Tuesday, July 2, 2024


I’m back, and my view this morning 
Is a double joy to behold. 
I’m more grateful than I can express 
For the competence of my surgeon, 
The support of my friends and family, 
The kindness of my nurses, 
The speed of my recovery, 
 And the blessing of all your thoughts and prayers: 
I’m quite certain they’re responsible 
 For the success of my open heart surgery. 
Recovery will be long and tedious, 
But every day is a gift, 
And I’m thrilled to continue sharing 
The beauty of this amazing world we live in.